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Leave the paint in the can to dry by removing the lid.  Make sure this is done in a well-ventilated area protected from open flame, children, pets and rain.  If the amount of paint is less than one-fourth of the container, the paint should dry in the can.  Stirring the paint every few days will speed up the drying process.

After your paint has hardened, it may be placed in your normal trash with the lid off. Accelerate the drying process by adding an absorbent material (or a waste paint hardener) like kitty litter. As long as the trash isn’t too heavy, your trash hauler ought to be able to take your hardened paint to the landfill.

For Small Quantities:
Brush the leftover paint on cardboard or newspaper to use it up.  Allow the empty can to dry with the lid off.

For Large Quantities:
Pour one-half inch layers of paint into a cardboard box, lined with plastic.  Make sure the paint is dried before the next layer of paint is added.  Use absorbent material to dry out the paint faster (kitty litter, sawdust, oil dry, shredded newspaper, and paint hardeners). Latex paint will harden much faster than oil-based paint.  Once the paint is hardened, put it in with your regular trash with the lid off so the hauler can see it is solid.

For aerosol cans of paint, spray onto cardboard until nothing more (even air) comes out of the can. Then dispose of the empty can and painted cardboard with your trash.

Used paint thinners, turpentine, and mineral spirits can be reused.  Pour into a clear glass container and seal with a tight lid.  Allow the paint particles to settle to the bottom.  Pour the clear liquid into the original container for reuse, then dispose of the residue after allowing it to dry.  Adding an absorbent material such as kitty litter or sawdust will speed up the drying.

1. Store paint in a dry location where temperatures are above freezing.
2. Do not put paint cans directly on cement floors, because the bottom of the can will rust much faster on cement than on other surfaces.
3. Make sure to place the lid firmly on the can and turn the can upside down to prevent air from entering the container. This will make the paint last longer.

Did you know that oil-based paint is good up to 15 years and latex paint will last up to 10 years as long as the paint has never been frozen or thawed?

For additional information please visit the Ohio EPA Website