RCSW’s services are for Residents and Businesses in Richland County, OH
Open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (closed 12:00-12:30 for lunch). Saturday hours are 8:00 am to 12:00 pm (Closed Sundays & Federal Holidays)
RCSW is located at: 1125 National Parkway Mansfield, 44906
No need to sort the following household recyclables ~ keep them clean and dry
Catalogs, Directories, & Magazines
Cartons – remove caps & straws (examples include milk, soup, & juice cartons)
Glass (Food and Beverage Containers Only -any color)
Mail & Mixed Office Paper
(Plastic #1, #2, and #5 only) Bottles, Jugs and Tubs – reattach the lids before recycling!
(some examples include drinking water and soda pop bottles, detergent, soap, vinegar and milk jugs, butter, sour cream, & yogurt containers)
Keep the following items sorted and separate
Cans – Steel (non-hazardous and non-flammable material only)
Aluminum Cans
Car Batteries
Cardboard (Flattened, flattened and flattened)
Cell Phones
Fluorescent Bulbs and Tubes*
Rechargeable, Lithium and Button Cell Batteries
Scrap Tires*
Shredded paper
*Items in green may require a disposal fee. We accept check or cash only no cards. Please click on those items for more information or click here for the Recycling/Collection Facility brochure.
***We are a recycling facility and do not accept any trash or items made from mixed materials such as the following: furniture, pianos, organs, hot tubs, mirrors, fiber glass boats, wood stereo cabinets or solar panels.***